Sierra Leone Commemorates World Malaria Day 2012

Sierra Leone Commemorates World Malaria Day 2012

Sierra Leone joined the rest of the world in commemorating World Malaria Day today 25 April 2012 on the theme “Sustain Gains, Save Lives: Invest in malaria”. A local slogan: “Mosquito Net!! Malaria Free. Sound Sleep” was also chosen by the Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MoHS) to raise awareness on malaria prevention and control in the country. In a nation-wide broadcast the Minister of Health and Sanitation Hon Zainab Bangura, officially announced free treatment for confirmed malaria cases for all age groups in the country at government health facilities.
The national launch was held at the Grey Bush community in Freetown. The programme was chaired by the Chief Medical Officer, Dr Kisito Daoh. Participants included government officials, civil society, UN agencies, NGOs, District Councils and the general public. Delivering a statement at the ceremony, the Hon Dep. Minister of Health and Sanitation reiterated the need to act with urgency so that no one dies from malaria, saying “We must reach zero death rate from the disease by 2015”.
Speaking on behalf of the UN System, the WHO Representative Dr Alemu, stated that despite the remarkable gains recorded in the fight against malaria in the past decade, more is needed to reach the MDGs target of reducing malaria mortality by half and reversing the incidence of the disease. He encouraged communities to “own the fight against malaria and use available services appropriately”.

Other speakers included representatives from the Civil Society, NGO, Global Fund and the local council. A drama skit was performed by school children on the benefits of using Long Lasting Insecticide Treated Nest. Other activities to commemorate the day include radio and television broadcast statements by the Minister of Health and Sanitation and WHO; school drama competitions; radio and television discussions, jingles and district launch.


Sierra Leone Commemorates World Malaria Day 2012

For More Information contact:

World Health Organization,
21 A and B Riverside Drive, off King Harman Road, Freetown
Phone: 232-22-233565 , +232-76-777878;

E-mail: whosl [at]" target="_blank"> whosl [at]



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